Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blair Waldorf's College Wardrobe

I love Gossip Girl. Everything is just drama and more drama with back-stabbing characters with perfect skin. Lately my own life has been feeling like a GG episode, so I can't help but wish I at least had the wardrobe to fit with the soap opera lifestyle.

I've always admired Blair Waldorf's style for her elegant, timeless classic chic look. She can go from demure to minx in one outfit change in one day.

Her college wardrobe still has the odd headband - even though Dan's declared "lose the headbands, its college!" to Blair in the latest episode of season 3 "The Freshman" - but she holds together a strong, streamlined polished look even though she's surrounded by student hippies/greenies/poets at NYU.

I love the below striped blue and white dress she wears in the last scene with the hot pink stilettos.

It's very similar to a French Connection dress that I've been eyeing, but not exactly the same. Apparently the above is a Co-operative Designs if only I could find one!

Stylist Eric Daman chats about his inspiration for Blair's wardrobe below. Who says fashion isn't an art?


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