Sunday, December 7, 2008

Just another twentysomething birthday?

I turned 23 yesterday and quite frankly before the event it was feeling like just another birthday. Perhaps I'm getting jaded and cynical. Or I'm dreading turning 25 and getting closer to that quarter life crisis.

I think most twentysomethings have a list of things that they just have to accomplish. When you're a Gen Y'er you usually cop a lot of flack, but I think that most of us are incredibly driven and know what we want out of life. I don't think this is a bad thing. 

We usually aspire to:
  1. Having a challenging career
  2. Being in a successful relationship
  3. Being an adult (aka getting your shit together)
I believe that I've got 1.5 out of the 3 so I'm getting closer. 

I had a lot of (unexpected) fun this year, some of which is a little blurry, but I shall always remember being sung Happy Birthday to by a group of new and old friends whilst standing on a Northbridge corner at midnight.

On my actual birthday I perused Bazaar, pre-Christmas markets at Fremantle Arts Centre. It was very crowded at 11am and had a lot of lovely stuff, but nothing overtly said "buy me". 

Instead I stumbled through East Fremantle to discover the cutest cafe called Hubbles Yard on George Street. It's a quaint corner cafe that's a pretty rare find in Perth, with country-style cakes (big and the kind "Nanna" would make) and fresh and healthy lunches. I had a latte and a slice of the very nutty walnut cake.

Nearby was a specialist wine shop which also sold gourmet foodstuffs, wine paraphernalia, homewares and Christmas decorations (!). I'm guessing tables settings replace the Christmassy items during the rest of the year. I picked up a gingerbread angel for my Kris Kringle from The Wine Store which made me pretty happy...

Later in the evening I went to watch WASO's free performance on the Esplanade. There were a number of songs/sets from Aida (figures) but my favourite was Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. I was surrounded my picnickers and children happily waving their arms pretending to be conducters. Apart from it being a little windy it was a nice way for my 23rd birthday to come to an end.


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