Friday, April 17, 2009

Melbourne Comedy Festival - Good Times Roman

I am a comedy festival virgin so going to the Melbourne Comedy Festival was nice way to be introduced to side-splitting live comedy.

Arj Barker - Original Bits and Pieces

Oh Arj, your use of video footage before your performance to relax the audience and get rid of pre-conceived ideas (eg. ladies comedians are not sleazy) was rather clever. Arj's show had just the right amount of crass mixed with his trademark anger. I like Arj for his laid back Americanisms and yes, he does have a lot of dirty jokes, but all were very funny. My favourite jokes were using fonts to be clear on your tone in a text message - Good Times Roman, Sarcastica, Chill Sans and his views on intimacy in a relationship...which are perhaps too rude to mention.

Arj is also in Flight of the Conchord which I am addicted to at the moment!

Arj's performance in the Comedy Festival Gala is below.

Jason Byrne - The Byrne Supremacy

Byrne is Irish. So that means he's already funny by default. Byrne has an incredible apt for jumping from one idea to another and is all over the stage even rolling on the floor. He takes the absolute piss out of the audience and gets it so right on the money. A lot of his jokes started with "I love Australians because..." "they love Easter only because they get time off to paint their fence". He picked up on subtle body language of audience members and just rolled with it. The best part about Byrne is that his humour is very real and self-deprecating. His high-pitched imitation of the Aussie accent left me saying for days..."Is that it?"

Byrne's performance in the Comedy Festival Gala is below.


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