Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wanderlust Wednesday - Central Park After the Blizzard

Snow will always be surreal to me. It’s not something I’ve grown up with or will ever be used to. So when spending Christmas in NYC and hearing that a blizzard was forecast for Boxing Day it was like something out a movie.

Then it started snowing hard and fast when I was enjoying the sales at Bloomingdales. Despite the snow, a lot of extreme shopping was happening in Macy's where it was incredibly crowded!

The next morning when I woke up the city was pure white. It was very quiet outside except for the sound of snow shovels hitting the pavement. 

To make the most of the snow day we headed to Central Park. The biting wind swept more snowflakes into our faces when we entered the west side of the park.

Snow had swallowed parked cards, decorated tree branches, covered up benches and had frozen the top layer of the lake.

Everyone who had braved the cold was making the most of it. Parents were pulling kids along in sleds and toboggans. Kids were making snow angels and screaming in delight when sledding downhill.

I've got my snood and my new snow boots to keep me warm!

NYC dogs were delighted by the snow, running around in their jumpers or snow boots. This 11 year old pooch was having a rest in the snow as his paws were starting to get sore from the freezing conditions. His owner promised him some bacon bits to warm up!


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